Become a Seller

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Grow your business program (GYBP)

GYBP is a program established to give you the chance to sell your product online via trusted official store with reliable resources and delivery methods which would help to increase your business income by advertising your product via multiple resources besides your own.


Whats after you fill the form?

One of our staff will review your form and check your product(s) which is shown in your website and social media you provided to ensure your product is compatible with our products policy list. Then it will be sent to the management to get the first approval. Once its approved by the management, we will contact you via the phone number you provided in the Merchant Central form so we proceed further. We will provide a contract agreement of how your product will be advertised and the financial methods used, delivery method, and the stock quantity. Once all done, your product will be listed in our website under the section were it belong to (ex. Smart Home)

Note: its highly recommended that you attach multiple images of your product and provide as much details as possible in order to boost the approval process.


If your items is via physical store only or your new to the field?

No problem, we will proceed with the same process mentioned above but you will be required to bring a sample of your product(s) after the first approval by the management.


Office Location

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  • Saleh Al-Mutawa Complex, Tunis Street, CBK Building, Floor No 13, Office 25, Hawalli, Kuwait
  • +965 222-159-03

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